
to candy mountain, charlie




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-24-2022, 08:42 AM
He could tell Tyrian was losing his patience for Lach’s life’s sayings, he couldn’t help but grin at his small annoyance to Tyrian. He enjoyed far too much messing with the slate alpha. Especially right now with so many rewards to be gleaned. He chuckled as Tyr scoffed at him. He grinned to himself as he followed after Tyrian into the smelly cave, looking up from the cave floor as his voice trailed off. Silvery blue eyes followed his attention to the glow ahead.

It was very obviously not the sun, it was the wrong color for starters. Lachlan tilted his head curiously, completely stumped at what they were looking at. He tilted his red marked features towards Tyrian as he spoke again. He was obviously casual about the strange sight despite the ominous unknown glow. He also mentioned feeding him to the dragons if he called any of it ‘rewards.’

Lachlan burst out with a laugh, instantly regretting the action as he sucked in a deep breath of sulfuric air. ”Absolutely no rewards.” He chuckled amusedly as he continued to follow after Tyrian into the strange cavern. Whit paws carried him over the dark stone, his claws clicking rhythmically against it. Though slightly cautious his curiosity whisked away any fear of dragons or facing the gates of hell.

Every step created more tension in his core the closer they got, and he didn’t realize it but it brought more and more warmth. Though it didn’t come from within like his nervous heat usually did… Then they turned the last corner and all was revealed.

Lachlan’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened as he took in the river before him. It was a vast cavern, with a dry heat he had never experienced. The glowing molten… not water flowed through a winding river like structure. Struck speechless he was certain there was some kind of reward in all of this.