
what on earth...




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-24-2022, 09:07 AM
After his trip to the lava river with Tyrian Lachlan felt himself with an affinity for caves. As soon as they returned home he felt like he was already looking forward to exploring another one. Though he would have preferred to do so with Tyrian, everything seemed better when the two of them were together, but the alpha had his duties to tend to and couldn’t begin to be with him every hour of the day. So that morning Lach left Fireside’s borders behind and made his way out to explore.

He worried slightly about his sheep, but he knew they were and would be in good hands while he was gone. Lachlan left ears behind just in case. The ram was quickly becoming his right hand man so to speak. By far he was the smartest sheep in the flock, and he knew how to get his point across to the other wolves who maybe didn’t know the sheep quite as well as Lachlan did.

He made his way into the wild world, taking extra are to search for caves. There was a specific scent that came from almost every cave he had seen, an old air, deep earth kind of scent that when he caught a whiff it wasn’t difficult to find the source. Lachlan’s pale paws carried him to a small entrance into who knows how big of a cave. Despite the dark and the unknown Lachlan felt fearless in the face of such confinement.

Lach squeezed between the rock face and into complete darkness. He was thankful for his sharp sense of smell as much as his hearing in a place like this. He could mostly calculate the walls in front of his face with the sound bouncing off them. He followed the scent of the deep cavern until he heard the sound of claws on stone that were very much not his own.

The sound caused him to stop, and he listened quietly and was convinced there was another wolf down here. ”Hello?” He called out quietly and uncertainly to the darkness ahead. The scent of the other individual was not wolf, but the scent of Sparrow’s pirates was on him.