


09-30-2013, 03:48 PM

Plush tendril of a tail coiled gently about her protruding hips as if to provide herself with a sense of comfort and protection from the biting climate, eyelids concealing her mismatched gaze from view as she gave up on attempting to locate her former den in the labyrinth of willows in favor of admiring the serenity of solitude. Primary senses went without use as the silence consumed her, allowing an unwelcome spectator the opportunity to observe her period of relaxation from afar with judgmental and disdainful eyes. Had the phantom child been made aware of the stalker that lurked beyond her line of vision and just exactly who possessed the verdant gaze that lingered upon her robust physique, she would have leapt to her gargantuan paws out of fury and initiated conflict. However, she remained stagnant in her placid form, all thought drained from the confines of her resting mind, entirely oblivious to the presence of the wench she had developed an intense distaste for.

Tranquility and obliviousness did not remain for long, however, as feminine vocals writhed through her auditory system, alerting the viper to the presence of an invader to her privacy that dared approach her from the rear without a purposeful warning sound. Astonished, the woman?s skull whipped around in the direction the voice had emanated from, pupils dilated only slightly to portray her surprise and the only trace of emotion to her otherwise vague countenance. Displeasure settled in the pit of her stomach as her gaze trailed over the visage of the familiar canine that was contorted only slightly into an enraged snarl, and despite the fact that similar emotions had stirred within her at the immediate recognition of this wench, her expression remained stoic as her pupils lingered upon the vibrant viridescent of the adolescent?s eyes. Her gaze never strayed from the premises of the other?s physique even as she halted towards her side, lingering dangerously close for the phantom?s comfort. Digits flexed as the babe made premature preparations for conflict should it happen to arise, weight shifting towards her hind limbs to enable swift retaliation should the other attempt something funny. ?Devya,? the viper addressed the sable juvenile with equally apathetic tones, nostrils flaring as she inhaled the rancid stench of the female, pausing only when the familiarity of a certain scent that mingled with the other?s was registered. A sneer warped her porcelain features and she tore her gaze away from the female, pupils flickering forward as a soft chortle cascaded from her velvet lips. ?I see my brother has finally asserted his claim over what?s rightfully his,? she hissed, unaware to the fact that her brother had been discreetly meeting with the babe behind her back.