
A Little Stuck




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
01-24-2022, 07:21 PM

As the reindeer arrived and spoke its pompous words, a low growl pulled from the trapped feline. If she wasn't trapped, he wouldn't be so ballsy, she told herself. The growl was a warning to the reindeer, but her attention was soon pulled away by the approach of a familiar face. Well... not so much the face itself, but the creature. She'd eaten his kind before. They were a favorite of her pride. Her former pride, she reminded herself. Being trapped as she was, the cat was at the mercy of these three hoofers. And so, she made herself look as small as possible, sinking into the snow as much as she could. The reindeer and the... ass... weren't enough to kill her, but add in a great elk and, well... it would be better to just play it safe.

The elk stepped forward and began unburying the rocks that had her hind paw trapped. The little horse creature followed suit. The little ass scoffed and called out the reindeer for his attitude and that definitely won the little guy points in Taiga's book. The tiny thing then looked to her and offered a deal. Don't eat them and they'd help her out. Well, agreeing to that was a no brainer. If she didn't accept, she'd stay here and die. There were many other animals in the world that she could eat. She didn't need to eat these three. "Agreed," she rumbled, casting claret eyes to the reindeer once more. That one, she couldn't trust because he wouldn't trust her. She could see clear through the earthen colored horse thing that wore his heart on his chest and the elk seemed helpful, but aloof. She could deal with that.

"My paw is caught. There was an avalanche," she offered the symptom and the cause so they didn't have to ask. Her paw was trapped between some rocks and she would no doubt be sore for a while. "Get me out and I won't eat you." Knowing that she would be lame for a short time, she added, "I might even protect you for a while as thanks." Yes, make it sound like it was to their benefit and not her own.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.