
over the cliff we go

usagi / hunt



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-24-2022, 10:29 PM
At last, Kuroo tugged the root enough so that a decent amount was pulled, and satisfied that his brother was no longer in mortal danger, he let go of his scruff. He stepped back, seeing the root they had pulled was of decent length for their project. Gods forbid his brother would get the bright idea to chase death again, but luckily, he didn’t. Eyeing Kuroo when he thanked him with a fiery glare that could only mean ‘don’t you pull a dumbass stunt like that again’, he then turned to their work. They had to reinforce and tie the root so that it would stay put, but remain low enough to the ground for a creature to trip over. If they made it too high, chances are a smaller prey animal would notice and perhaps even see past the ledge, and escape their grasp. It also had to be wide enough to give the brothers a decent berth with which to chase their meal into, in case they couldn’t get their trajectory on the spot.

Kuroo’s remark simply received a grouchy ”Sure" in reply, and the koi-splotched male took his end of the root and began to work. While crafting and wrapping vines and stuff wasn’t his thing - hell, it really wasn’t his thing, such a roundabout way of grabbing a meal - he knew Kuroo appreciated it. And while Usagi was a creature of fire and outward bitterness and hatred, it only ran so deep. His brother was one of thr only ones who could pierce his angry, cold shell into the generous, warmhearted being beneath. And if it made his brother happy that he was helping, he’d gladly sit and weave some crappy vine around some crappy sticks. His brother’s health and happiness was the biggest priority in his life, having nobody else he trusted in their lives at the moment. So be it - he’d work his ass off on this tripwire even if crafting was his Roo’s speciality, because he mattered above his own sour attitude towards it.

Once all was finished, Usagi and his brother stepped back to admire their trap. It wasn’t the cleanest nor the most refined, but it held and it was quite sturdy. The taller grasses around it would conceal the vine well, and he was ready to chase off some poor creature. Hunger leeched into his bones at that moment, only further fueling his and his brither’s desire to test out their creation. Even if the animal broke a leg over it, it would makw the job of obtaining food that much easier. You ready to go hunt? Kuroo asked him. Usagi lifted his face ever so slightly to see his brother’s permanent smile curved on his lips. In contrast, Usagi’s permanent scowl dragged his lips downward. ”I’m ready if you are, Roo," He responded anyways, concealing the warm undertones of his gravelly rumbling voice. He didn’t want his brother to think he was having too much fun, now. Glancing back to see if Kuroo was following, the koi wolf turned away from the edge and began to trot towards the grassy plains, a steady and even pace but footfalls just soft enough to let the boys hear if any prey was about.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—