
Only Dead Fish Swim With The Stream




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
01-25-2022, 02:20 PM

Arcturus didn't really ask what his mother had in mind or where she was taking him when she had him follow her away from the Fern Gulley, he just got up and followed. He had been keeping mostly to himself ever since his father was killed, but that had been even more true once they left the Armada and the only thing he really had to distract himself was the occasional hunt. Even Tira had been going out on her own more now that they had passed their first birthdays and were more free to roam. At first he tried using a bit of that freedom as well, but he never ended up going far and then he just gave up on it all together. When they first moved out on their own with Ocean and Chrystelle he had tried to lean into the idea of a fresh start and let that be a distraction and a point of hope for a while, but he just kept slipping back into a tired, sleepless hole.

He was quiet as they walked out to the large river that flowed near by and stood near the shore while his mother got a drink. When she looked back at him with a grin and offered to do some fishing he gave her a small smile in return and nodded, replying, "Sure, Momma." He stepped up to the edge of the water and sat back on his haunches while he waited for his mom to get the supplies she brought out of her satchel. "I'm sure everyone would like some fish for dinner." Hunting was one of the few things he still found some enjoyment in since it was at least something he could do to help out the wolves that he felt like he was just being a burden on otherwise and it was a good way to pass time.

"Arcturus Fatalis"