
Learn your place


01-25-2022, 04:09 PM

Big puppy ears pointed up but toward the bug, eyes of blue fixated on how it turned into a perfect spherical shape. She had never seen such thing and it intrigued the pup so much. She wondering if she should touch it or not, if she should interact with it further than just starting at it. But nothing else she was having fun, alot of it and at first she placed herself in a playful pose. "Don chu hide! Face meh!" She commanded the unknown creature but as if it had ignored Tien's orders, it remained still as a ball. Ears flattened, in annoyance and feeling upset. There as her head arched down to the bug, she almost missed her cousin's approach until she heard her voice.

"Hi! Im playin' with this thingy! It turned into a ball." She explained as a soft smile rested on those dark lips. "Ohh, wanna play with it with meh?" She would be even happier if she got to play with someone else. As her eyes lined up with Onoskeli's, her surprise grew. A mushroom! "Ooooh, that so cool!! Can i have one too???" She would love to have such adornment for her own eye.
