
Limba Carpaților

Gwyn ♡


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-26-2022, 11:51 AM

Gwynevere gave a small glance with a bit of a forced smile when Artorias insisted that she was amazing in her own right and perfect the way she was. It all sounded like things that she would expect him to say because he was her brother and he loved her so it was hard for her to believe it even if he meant every word. She couldn't shake the fear and the doubt and that helpless feeling that had sunk deep into her core as she was struggling in vein under their adoptive brother. When she saw her brothers going through even worse than she had, far worse in many regards, and yet they were able to pick themselves back up and move on while she was left like this... it was difficult to see how she was still amazing in her own right and perfect the way she was. He eventually drew her attention as his paw brushed her cheek, pulling her mint and lavender gaze toward him.

Before she could react or respond she was suddenly pulled into Artorias' embrace and she blinked with surprise, her ears flicking back shyly against her head, but giving into that welcoming warmth after a beat and leaning into him. "Something for me?" she questioned with surprise and confusion when he admitted he had made something for her as he pulled away from his embrace, her curious gaze watching as he got up and walked over to the bed that he had been staying in. She eyed the folded black cloth with a tip of her head, watching as it was unfolded to reveal the black, wool cloak with a stunning broach made to look like a maple leaf.

She looked down at the beautiful silver broach and cloak with awe as he passed it to her and explained the purpose for it. Something to protect her, to help her hide in the shadows. The idea of traveling felt preposterous at first thought, but when she glanced up at him and saw the hope in his expression she realized how much he wanted this for her. This was his encouragement for her to face the world again. As much as it was also just a nice gift and a lovely garment, she understood his intent behind it.

She looked down at the broach again when he brought his paw to it, calling it a ‘weef’. That immediately took her back, reminding her of a time that she hadn’t thought about in ages, back at the falls when their family was whole and the world was new and exciting. Back when she would spend hours upon hours looking at different plants and leaves with Eilwen simply because she wanted to. Back when she would go on a wild goose chase for a flower with Bowen and Indigo just because she wanted to accomplish something for their mother and see this super rare flower.

Tears welled up in her eyes without her even realizing it until they were spilling down her cheeks and once they started she couldn’t stop them. Every emotion that she had been burying down, ignoring, and hiding came bubbling up to the surface and came pouring out in quiet tears while her own paw traced the beautiful silver broach that immortalized her ‘weef’. She shifted to face him again after a moment, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and hugging him tight as her crying turned into gentle sobs. "Thank you," she managed between her tears, holding on to her brother as if he was the rock in the storm she was weathering.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"