
Our new lives



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
01-26-2022, 03:03 AM
Briar felt Lia's paws on her, parting her fur for the wax she was going to use, and listened while her friend and hand maiden worked at soothing her sore muscles. Briar was happy to hear that Lia was really beginning to think of herself as a free wolf now. That had been maybe the hardest thing to get across to her sweet friend, the fact that she wasn't owned, she wasn't a slave. Yes, Art had purchased her from the slave market all that time ago, but that wasn't her life any more and it made Briar happy to hear her say it. She knew Lia was right that if one day Lia decided she would he happier else where that she wouldn't stop her, but she certainly would have been very sad to see her go. She had very quickly started thinking of Lia as her best friend and confidant and the thought of ever losing that hurt more than she would have ever thought. Luckily she didn't have to worry about that, but she did wonder and worry about the way Lia spoke about how her body was now her own—since that clearly hadn't been the case before. It made her glad that Lia was with them now and that she could make sure that Lia's life was wonderful for the rest of her days to make up for whatever she had previously endured.

She gave a soft, involuntary, pleased hum at the feeling of the warm wax being poured onto her skin and worked under Lia's masterful paws before Lia continued to talk about how she only wanted to be here with her and how her view of her "mistress" had changed after she had been saved from her would be rapist. A little frown twitched at her lips at the thought of that brute that had assaulted Lia. Whenever that day crossed her mind she always worried about what might have happened if she hadn't made it in time, what she could have time if she had just gotten there a little faster, wondered if Lia could have protected herself better if she had just been more diligent with training her friend. There were so many what ifs that ultimately didn't matter since all had been well in the end, but they still swirled in her mind none of the less.

A touched smile tugged at her lips as Lia went on to say how she had really seen her that day and that she had liked what she saw, a warmth and a love welling up in her chest for this sweet, devoted woman that had done nothing but care for her since the day they were brought together. Even now, as she was revealing all these things, she was working and massaging warmth into her hips, easing the ache that had lingered in them. Briar was quiet while Lia continued to work, just processing everything Lia had said and taking it in, considering her own emotions as well. It was hard to untangle clear thoughts from the hightened emotions her crazy hormones caused, but in the end all she really wanted was to pull Lia closer and as soon as the smaller woman was satisfied with her work Briar rolled to face her and did just that.

She sat up enough to be able to wrap her forelegs around Lia's sides and fell back with her again, pulling Lia down onto the bed with her and holding her in a snug embrace, nuzzling her cheek gently into the top of Lia's head. "I care about you so much, Lia," she admitted with a shy smile, giving her a gentle squeeze. "If we ever do anything like that I want to make sure it's always because you want to—not because of a service or a task or anything like that. You're my best friend and I don't want anything to ruin that." She lifted her head a bit to look down at Lia where she was laying partially on her chest, her face flushing as she added, "But... if that is something you want, really want... Maybe I'd like to try something like that... Only if you're getting to enjoy it too. You deserve attention and pleasure just as much as me."

"Briar Fatalis"