
a wish your heart makes



09-30-2013, 06:38 PM

She could sense the odd vibrations in his soul, she could tell that he was confused and distressed. Did he know that while dreaming he had crossed over to the other side? His voice nearly broke as he said her name, well, the name she preferred to be called. She hadn't been called mother in so long that the word itself put a smile on her face. Her eyes would follow his figure as he came forward, and when he stopped she came to close the distance. If he needed the proof then she would give it to him, only not in the way she wished she could. She knew that embracing the living here was nothing like it was on earth, and when they would touch she would feel no warmth. She would merely feel the slow vibrations of another's soul, and that wasn't anything close to being touched on earth.

Her neck would extend as she attempted to run her nose along the side of his face, and if that were to succeed she would run her cheek along his. Then she would pull back, baby blue eyes resting on his emerald. He was so gorgeous, the man he had become was extraordinary. "Don't be afraid Maverick. Yes, I am what you refer to as dead, but I have merely left my body behind. My soul still thrives, both here, and in you." She would say softly. She did not have all the answers, but she did know that she did not disapear forever when she had died, and neither would he. She needed him to know that.

