a chip off the old block
01-28-2022, 11:00 AM
Venom took a deep breath as she finally emerged from the deep underground spring. She didn’t know how long Plague held her after she fled her last meeting with Hattori. She knew she slept at some point, and it was early evening as white gloved paws carried her from the mouth of the palace’s cave entrance. Though everything had changed it felt wrong to look out over the land to see that nothing had changed. The thought should have given her some introspective, but all that she could feel right now was the ache in her chest.
Restless paws continued, taking her to the border for a patrol almost in instinct. She felt empty, but at least the familiarity of routine could keep her grounded. Despite being obviously distracted Venom was pacing the border. Plague might have taken over much of her responsibility for a short time, but having nothing helped her less than continuing to uphold the status quo.
Thoughts of the future continued to plague her mind as she walked, what would happen now, what would the Empire look like withough its Shogun at her side. She relied on him for so long.. Venom tried not to blame herself for placing so much at his feet, but he’d wanted to be here. He wanted to be her husband. Or at least he had… She grit her teeth at the thought, her jaw clenched as her chest did and she stopped in the middle of the path. A bitter taste rose in her mouth and the emotions threatened to spill over in her eyes. Certainly she had cried enough.
dove island archipelago / evening / warm
Restless paws continued, taking her to the border for a patrol almost in instinct. She felt empty, but at least the familiarity of routine could keep her grounded. Despite being obviously distracted Venom was pacing the border. Plague might have taken over much of her responsibility for a short time, but having nothing helped her less than continuing to uphold the status quo.
Thoughts of the future continued to plague her mind as she walked, what would happen now, what would the Empire look like withough its Shogun at her side. She relied on him for so long.. Venom tried not to blame herself for placing so much at his feet, but he’d wanted to be here. He wanted to be her husband. Or at least he had… She grit her teeth at the thought, her jaw clenched as her chest did and she stopped in the middle of the path. A bitter taste rose in her mouth and the emotions threatened to spill over in her eyes. Certainly she had cried enough.
dove island archipelago / evening / warm