
Where are you gonna go when I'm gone?

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-30-2013, 07:02 PM

Quietly he panted, chest heaving up and down as he lay there, eying her with his strange empty stare. He had half a mind to call for his mother, knowing she would come to rescue him -- but he did not need her, and from this island his call would go unheard. Instead silence became him, enveloping him and wrapping its welcoming tendrils around him tightly and refusing to let go. Her name was Cataleya. He could call her Cat. Perhaps if he was lucky, she would tear out his throat in his sleep and he would never be forced to wake up.

But he knew he would not get off quite so easily. The brute blinked slowly, his vision swaying still. She commanded he rise, and after a moment he did, struggling to pull himself onto all fours. Luckily the herbs she had found had dried to his neck, effectively stopping the bleeding, but the pain had only subsided minimally. A growl bubbled from within his throat, though he refused to part his jaws to let the sound escape fully. With great effort he would begin to pad after her, head hanging low; it was far too painful to extend his neck at all.

He was grateful for the news of impending sleep, and a meal when he awoke. She was not so bad, and yet Basilisk still felt as though dying might be a better option. Perhaps he was being over-dramatic. He grimaced as he followed after her, knowing he could walk for a decent distance, until she found a suitable place for them to sleep.