
Modern Day Romance

Chi ♡


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
01-28-2022, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2022, 09:55 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)

Some weeks had passed since the newest brood of Klein children had been set loose on an unprepared world. Over the days, Aliana had watched her sons grow and explore the world with unbounded enthusiasm and zeal, and each day her love for them grew. It was astounding to her to watch as they each developed into their own little beings. Nothing could have made her happier than to see her little family simply existing, watching as Chimera evolved into a true exemplar of a father, not just for their pups, but for all of his children. One would think that perhaps a queen might get envious of having to share her king, especially when the king had multiple children with his other women, but not Aliana. She was simply grateful for the life he'd given her. Their relationship might not have been perfect, and it certainly wasn't traditional or orthodox, but it was perfect for her, just as he was.

Since the birth of their litter, there had been scarce precious time for the two lovers to spend alone together. Aliana felt a little guilty that she couldn't give Chimera the intimacy or the attention she knew he craved, contenting herself with knowing that her fellow queens would tend to Chimera in her absence. Now that the boys were getting big enough to venture about the island on their own, and with Dalila and Siren both readily available to supervise them, it gave Ali all the free time she needed to prepare something nice for her mate. She knew how much Chimera enjoyed them doing couplesy things together, so the ash and snow queen had put together a plan for a little date night for her and her king. With Dalila and Siren watching the boys during a stormy evening, Aliana prepared a private dinner for her and Chimera.

She'd spared no expenses tonight, gathering choice cuts of venison tenderloin that she roasted to a juicy medium rare along with a side of roast pork. Alongside the meats, she had a selection of honeyed seasonal fruits she'd found growing around the tropical island to enjoy as a little dessert—although she had an idea Chimera would prefer something else for his dessert. She had also procured a bottle of rich red wine left behind by that friendly Hallows alpha. She didn't believe she'd ever seen Chimera indulge in drink before, but even if he didn't, she felt like imbibing a bit while she enjoyed her evening with the love of her life. Ali had the spread laid out before the crackling fire in the large open hearth, keeping the chill of the damp Austerian winter night at bay and casting the entire bedroom suite in a warm orange glow.

Then the queen set about making herself presentable. She knew Chimera would love her the way she was, but she was feeling a little playful and a bit of a tease tonight. The clouded queen had found quite a few swaths of fine silks and cloths and fashioned them into gowns. She draped herself in a gown of flowing sheer gossamer, just sheer enough to see the details and outlines of her body beneath the garment, yet just in the way enough to make a present of herself her king would have to unwrap to get to. Her goal was to drive him a little wild, to let him get all of those pent up lustful frustrations out with her tonight. With her headdress in place and her gown cinched around her, Aliana gave a gentle call for her lover, then went to relax into a large pillow beside the fire, popping a piece of fruit into her mouth while she eagerly awaited her lover's arrival.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.