
About time you showed up




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-29-2022, 02:23 AM
Romulus wasn't really all that surprised to hear that Remus hadn't come to Auster with much of a plan. To be fair, he hadn't either. He'd set out from home with a fire in his heart, a gleam in his eye, and a desire to see the Armada family heritage. It seemed like that tended to run in the family, since here was his brother, doing exactly the same thing he had. "Well, at the very least, at least you know you've got your smarter, stronger, more handsome brother to bail your ass out of any fires you stumble across," he said, nudging his brother back with his shoulder. Armada family affection tended to be rather physical, and that showed in the fraternal display of love between the two brothers as well. "Hey, you've got all the time in the world now! At the very least, let's get your belly filled with meat and wine, let you take a load off, and then you can think about what you wanna do here."

When Remus rose, so too did Roman, leading the way back towards the Hallows. "Lillith's a sweet girl. A bit fragile, but that doesn't mean I want you to baby her. She's a bit of a spitfire when she wants to be, y'know?" He chuckled, then fixed his brother with a more serious look. "Oh, and don't try to fuck her. 'kay?" Throughout their lives, Romulus and Remus had made it a running gag of sorts to try to one up the other, even going so far as to occasionally poach a lady the other had been fancying. This time he wanted to make his intentions clear: Lillith was his. She was different from the other flings of the past. "Hey, if you ever want a partner to go visit some of those places, I still need to go see those places Grandpa talked about too. You and me, we're the only two Armadas still in Boreas. We gotta stick together." Bumping his shoulder into Remus' side again while they headed for the plains, he finished with a simple yet heartfelt response, "I'm glad you're here, brother."

"Romulus Armada"