
One Kitty, Two Kitty, Red Kitty, Dead Kitty




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-29-2022, 02:33 AM

Ricin and Chade had traveled together alone across these lands prior to joining with the band, now pack.  It had been nerve rattling at the time with lots of thought put into each action.  Chade remembered the landscape all too well but, the worry that had been a knot in his gut wasn’t with him this time as they roamed.  Once Chade made sure Ricin seemed to be away from any mischief Chade roamed a bit from the group, trodding down memory lane.

He had hunted these lands, set up traps to alert Ry and himself if anything large was getting close.  It was like remembering a piece of his childhood from what felt like long ago.  Realistically it hadn’t been too long if measured in time but by changes taken on it was forever ago.

As he made his way closer to the water Chade paused, scenting the air.  He smelled a cat, glancing back he saw a cat, Swift.  Shaking his head Chade looked forward again, scenting more carefully.  It wasn’t Swift’s scent he was picking up but some other type of cat, and wolf but not one whose scent he recognized.

“C’mon Swift,” Chade urged as he ran towards the scent and soon caught sight of the pup and two cougars.  They were smaller than tigers but there were two of them!  He had never actually had a full-out race with Swift before and was in awe at how the spotted cat got ahead so fast then pulled back to run even with him.

Chade was coming up from behind the cats and was happy to use that to his advantage.  By the time one of the cats thought to look back Chade was already in range to barrell himself into the large cat, biting at its spine, midway up the back.  He didn’t strike true enough to get the spine in his teeth but he still got a solid bite in which had the cougar quickly turned to swipe at him.  Chade leaped back, warily watching as the other cougar suddenly had his attention as well.

Swift ran in, ran past the cats and towards Kore.  The cheetah didn’t try to touch Kore, nor did it actually attack the cats.  It had simply stirred them into a bit of confusion, allowing Chade a moment to get in a better defensive stance and now the cheetah was in a good spot to protect the pup.

"Chade & Ricin"
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