
Our new lives



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
01-29-2022, 02:36 AM
Briar's toes curled as Lia kissed her throat, biting her lip as she tried to keep herself reigned in at least a little bit. It was so easy to be swept away by her needs and desires when Lia felt so sweet and so soft in her embrace, filling a different kind of want than she had when she was with Artorias. Their muzzles met and molded perfectly to one another, tasting Lia on her tongue for the first time, a little sound of contentment and pleasure escaping her while her eyes fluttered closed. She was still in her first heat, she was still so easily driven by need and pleasure, but she wanted to take this slow. She didn't want to rush anything and move too fast for Lia or for herself. She was still figuring out things as she went and exploring this brand new territory for the two of them and she wanted to savor every moment of it.

She held Lia tight and made out with her for a few more savoring moments before she eventually let her lips gently slip away from Lia's, blinking open her eyes to look at Lia's warm amber gaze again with a wide smile. One of her paws moved up from Lia's back to tenderly brush the other woman's cheek, her long tail wagging gently against the bed while the long, silky fur trailed down to the floor. "You're so beautiful, Lia," she said quietly, giving Lia a soft kiss. "I was actually a little jealous of you when Artorias first brought you home," she admitted shyly, her claws lightly trailing through Lia's fur down the back of her neck. "Your fur is such pretty colors and Art doted on you so much..." Briar's ears flicked back bashfully at that. She had been so uncertain and insecure for much of her life, more than she had really realized until she began to look back on things. "I'm really glad he brought you to us and I'm glad we've gotten so close."

"Briar Fatalis"