
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-29-2022, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2022, 05:10 AM by Romulus. Edited 1 time in total.)

What had begun as passionate lovemaking between the two young lovers had swiftly transformed into heated and primal mating between two wolves. Romulus lost himself entirely within Lillith and their respective biologies. She was no longer just his perfect lover, his soul mate, but his one and only mate in an instinctual and baser manner. The sounds he elicited from the petite alabaster fae drove him wild, nearly putting him into a feral state as he had his way with her, taking her the way a brute was meant to have a fae in heat. Something about the way he held her, mounted her, kept her positioned beneath him and the way their bodies moved together felt so right. It satisfied not only the lustful urges he felt inside himself, but also fed a wild hunger inside his spirit. The noises and sounds they made together were the sounds of two wild animals mating, attempting to breed to pass on their genetics to the next generation in their bloodline. It was frenetic, urgent, needy, untamed, and Roman loved every moment of it!

Steely silver eyes rolled back in his head as a total pleasure overwhelmed him. At some point during their coupling, he reached down and grabbed Lillith's scruff in his jaws, careful not to harm her, but exerting a bit more of his male dominance over her as he took her. His hind paws clawed and kicked at the mattress and blankets, his forelegs wound tight around her hips, claws biting into the skin of her waist. Roman didn't know how long their second round lasted, having lost all concept of time and space to the madness he gladly lost himself within with Lil, basking in all sorts of pleasures and ecstasies with her. At some point he reached his peak, growling and groaning as he rode that climactic high and spilled himself within her. Warm euphoria wrapped around him like a blanket against the buffeting cold of the winter. But it still wasn't enough. The animal within him growled for more, still hungry enough to devour the silver and snow beauty beneath him. He could smell the heat within her, and he felt the need to soothe it and put it out in the only way he knew how.

Once he regained control of himself enough to decouple them, Romulus gently lifted himself from Lil's back and collapsed to his side next to her on the bed, panting and breathing hard while he gazed adoringly at his lover. A gentle slate-dipped paw reached towards her cheek, aiming to brush along the side of her face to make sure she was okay. If she gave him any indication that she was, Roman would reach over to grab her round her midsection again, pulling her close to his body until their lips met, kissing her with all the heat and fire he felt still burning in his core for her. With his grip around her, he rolled them so he had hoisted her up over top of him, positioning her smaller frame across his like a pillow. It was reminiscent of the way they'd lain together at the falls some weeks back. Roman broke their kissing to gaze up at her with expectant, lustful silver pools of molten steel, his paws finding her hips to gently usher her back into him with a low, rumbling growl on his breath. He wasn't done with her yet.
