



09-30-2013, 07:27 PM

He would yield to the call of a stranger, a woman no doubt, yet a woman that would demand attention in a somewhat irregular manner. It seemed the cry of an alpha, or merely the beckoning of a vixen who shuffled about in shoes far too big for her pathetic little toes. Effortlessly the man would saunter for her proximities, curiosity lingering in the folds of his whirling mind as he became aware of the scents of two other strangers, benefit his acclaimed Sendoa, his blue Sentinel. He would trot somewhat fervently, extended tail flicking effortlessly over the chilled soils as a quad of figures would leisurely rise beneath his ruby gaze; an assortment of feminine delicacies, though none that could remotely compare to the fluctuating curves of his sister, her magnificence radiating an aura that would do no less than to blind her potentially dim company.

A rolling chuckle would announce his arrival, slowing to a leisurely waltz as the man would sway with evident elegance; coral stilts guiding him to rest by the side of his alluring relative, de-pigmented gaze skimming over the woman who seemed to hold an authority over the other two, finding an utter amusement in the accessories she wore upon her head, ?Surely it is only a banshee who lacks appeal and poise that would wear so pitifully the skull of another to shield her wounded face?? Rumbles of pleasure would fizz the man?s throat, leaning slightly into the shoulder of his cobalt adore, ?What could such a troubled dame fancy upon the borders of Glaciem, hm??