
Carried away by a moon shadow



8 Years
09-30-2013, 07:49 PM
Oracle gently scooped up another and did not respond to her mas statement she knew all things had to eat but the turtles where so tiny and they hadn't done anything the deer they took where always old and sick da had told her that much, it just didn't seem fair carefully she placed the one she was carrying into the water watching it swim off before turning trotting up the sand and picking up another out of the sand. If they where bigger she thought they wouldn't need her help they would walk down the beach themselves and no crab would dare mess with them,she placed the next one in the water and looked over towards her mother , ?mama, why are they so small,?

Oracle didn't know that these where babies for all she knew adult turtles frequently burst from the sand fully formed. Waiting for her mothers reply she went back to her self assigned job ferrying the little ones to the water. Occasionally one would pause and look at her before diving into the spray and she would hope that is survived and maybe came back one day.

The turtles where disappearing now only the stragglers littered the beach, many of the crabs to had gone vanishing into the sea and into the dunes from which they came. The night was turning peacful again, it was almost midnight and a few dark clouds had begun to drift across the sky it would probably rain tomorrow she thought sitting down again near the top of the beach. She watched the waves as they washed in and out taking with them the evidence of what had happened that night. She was just thinking how unfortunate it was that none of the others had seen the the turtles when a yawn split her jaws she had been awake a long time and her tiny body was beginning to feel it pulling her towards sleep even as she sat watching the waves.