



09-30-2013, 07:54 PM

She stood tall with a wide smirk spread across her horrid lips. Both Raven and Ozz joined her. Two lovely females that she had nearly wrapped completely around her left paw. The mahogany dappled woman giggled as Raven congratulated her for the win, yet it was the first win of many. A nod was seen, but then another woman showed up. One of the harem they faced. A women who stunk of the pack they shared the north with. Though, the women was very familiar. The one who slithered her way into the depths of Canttina's castle. The earthy toned lady let forth maniacal laughter as the bitches words were heard. "Mmm, fancy seeing you here, lovely." She sent a wink her way with another soft giggle.

Then the King himself graced them with his pressance. She watched as his cursed form slithered their way. She stared at him without words as he spoke. An even wider smirk was cracked and she licked her lips. "Mmm, surely you have cracked my methods, Ice King." Her voice was strong, filled with false humor. They were both witty and dark. It was not good for the situation to have two such hard heads butting each other. He then asked her a question with those egotistical tones. She licked her lips again and flexed her chewed up left forepaw. "This troubled Empress just wishes to meet the great King himself. I have heard much of you, I hear the ladies just love you. Mmm, I don't see it. Yet, we are very a like in that way. I enjoy the feel of a women just as much as you." She paused and let her tail dance across Ozz's side with a bit of laughter. "I have just defeated poor little Alena in a battle for Amenti and it is now mine. I propose a strong Alliance." She tilted her head and stepped closer one pace. "We could rule the north, and more with this Alliance. We are alike in our choice of subjects, it is fate, darling. Fate." Her words were broken, her mind was obviously very dammaged, yet they alliance was truly one of fate, they were so alike and yet so different. Power was in the air, waiting to be snatched up by them both.
