
I may tell you to run




Advanced Healer (100)

Beginner Fighter (0)

3 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-30-2022, 03:05 AM
Ivy decides that he quite likes raccoons. If that's the only thing that comes out of this night, then it's more than enough. He's comfortable by his brother's side, and he figures that even more will probably come from it. Even more... even more. Their world was so big, and they were so small. Ivy thinks of his mother's songs once more, the words that he can't remember all the meanings to. Sure, he understands the gist, he understands the tales, but it would be a long time before he's able to speak to someone who understands what each phrase means... not that Ivy knows that yet. Not that he understands what's about to happen, and how their young lives are about to change. Oh child, if only you knew.

The boy flopped softly over onto his side, gazing at the sky as it spread above them. It seemed to go on, and on, and on-- nearly forever. It was pretty. There was so much of it. The dome of the sky can do a lot to make someone feel small. There was gravity to the smallness too, and the way that the universe seemed to offer them... offer them everything. Though it was all theirs for the taking, Ivy resolves right here (right here, right now), to take no more of it than what he needs. He's not the only one out here. His brother isn't the only one. His siblings... his family... there are more than just them. There were so many thoughts in his head.

Kore shares his theory. Every wolf that has ever lived, every will live... that was a pretty thought. Or maybe, maybe because it makes the moon seem bigger. That seemed like a more practical thought. Thoughts. Maybe that was it? "Maybe there's one for every good idea that someone has," Ivy considers. "Like, today there were lots of good ideas," the boy thinks aloud. "And on the nights where there are less stars, those are the days when there were less good ideas." It seemed to make sense to him, at least. There were some days when they could see hardly any stars at all. Ivy hadn't really thought of the clouds being in the way, so for now, it seemed plausible.
