
forever entangled



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-30-2022, 04:31 AM

Wordlessly, Lillith responded to his body language in turn with her own. Romulus saw the grin on her lips, wide and blissful and totally carefree while they enjoyed the pleasures of their love and one another's bodies together in deep harmony. It was quite possibly his favorite expression Lillith had ever worn on her beautiful face, an expression painted by the gods themselves, for seeing it struck him dumb with glee. Heavy-lidded silver eyes, hazy with euphoric stupor, never left her hypnotic garnet gaze or her gorgeous visage. He wanted to watch every moment of pleasure, every flutter of silvery eyelids and roll of ruby eyes back in her head, see each time her lips fell open in breathy gasps and moans. He wanted to drink in this moment with his soul mate like ambrosia, sear it into his memory for all time. Never in all his life had Roman been as happy nor content as he was right now with Lil, and even when it had ended and moved into the past, he wanted to remember it for the rest of his days.

Roman bit his lip and gave a shuddering groan when he felt Lillith push herself back until he felt her envelop him once more, eyelids fluttering over glazed eyes. His mouth fell open in gasping breaths, large paws gently squeezing and massaging supple silver dotted thighs while her tiny paws kneaded his chest in a delightful massage. Their movements this time were slower, more deliberate, every roll of Lil's hips soft and sensual against him. It was a striking completion to their tryptic: from passionate sex to feral mating to sybaritic lovemaking, and the Armada brute loved it. He worked in tandem with his lover, pressing his hips up into hers in time with lazy motions, every push and roll and buck punctuated with a blissful sigh or pleased moan. Both wolves were tiring as fatigue sapped the youthful energy from their bodies. But they would have one last perfect time to cap off a perfect day together. Already Roman was excited to think that if this was how Lil was in heat, he'd be looking forward to every summer together for many years to come!

While the two lovers brought each other leisurely up the slopes of pleasure once more, Romulus couldn't resist letting his paws roam over any part of Lillith he could reach. Thighs, hips, waist, belly, sides, chest... Every part of her he could touch, he worshipped while she demonstrated how easily she could turn into a nubile goddess. "Lillith..." Roman moaned out her name, losing himself entirely in those wine-red eyes. No words seemed appropriate for this moment, none except for her name, and for three that he would say only to her for the remainder of his life. "I love you."
