
Beating Heart



6 Years
09-30-2013, 08:03 PM

Brow spots seemed to jump as the wolf before her broke into a goofy grin. "Wow! That's pretty neat, Azalea. Gee, you really say it professionally. Azalea Adravendi... Heir to Valhalla." Her eyes narrowed a bit, for a moment suspicious of his tone. Was he being serious or just harassing her? Then she remembered who she was taking about and her eyes popped back open. Surely Mr. Positive wasn't trying to goad her.

"I was the default pick for heir, being the firstborn, but when we got older, before my brother was born, Pops had been thinking Servia might do it instead. I guess that's just one other way you remind me of her. Are you sure you're not like an incarnation or somethin'?" She shook her head firmly. "Nah, you'd have to be a lot younger. Kinda funny though." She didn't really see where it was funny but instead of saying anything on the point, she remained silent. He appeared to be thoughtful and it didn't take long for him to speak once more.

"So your parents own the pack then?" His head tipped one way and then hers fell the other. "No. Well, they did... I suppose it is kinda complicated. My aunt currently runs the pack, before her my other aunt... before her my father, and before him my grandfather. So, the shift of power is a bit different than what you seem used to." For how easily it would be to be pulled of her title, Azalea had never really considered the "what if" involved. She held her title like she was bound to be the next queen regardless of change.