
My Life is Brighter Because of You

Kane (birth)


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
01-31-2022, 04:18 AM
Tamsyn grinned and gave the end of Kane's muzzle an affectionate lick in return before she settled back down with her head resting on him as his large paw rested on her stomach once more, telling her that there was one still to go. She gave a little nod, still panting while she braced herself for the last wave of contractions. The only thing that had her slightly nervous was the fact that she had gotten pretty noticeably round which made her think that their pups would be on the larger side or perhaps at least would be around the size that she was as a pup. Since their first two daughters were so incredibly small that made her wonder how many more pups they were going to have. Since Kane thought there was just one to go that made her think that the last would be much larger than the first two. It most certainly wouldn't be the first time she birthed a large child, but part of her was a little glad that it would probably be the last.

After a brief rest her body started building upon her contractions again, the tightening and pull of her muscles easing the last pup into the right position. Very quickly she realized that her hunch had been correct and she gasped at the first difficult wave of pain as the large pup started stretching her body, making her whine and cry out in pain at each hard push. One of her paws gripped at the fur on Kane's side just to have something to hold on to, her face burying into his fur as well as she gave slightly muffled screams the longer her labor went on. Briefly the thought of the other herbs Kane had set aside crossed her mind, but she was already in too deep and by the time they took affect it would already be over. In the last few pushes when she was struggling to put enough force behind them to get the pup's head and shoulders to slip free, she bit into Kane's thigh, her body trembling under the effort of each push. She didn't remember the largest of her oldest children being this difficult before, but she was also older than she was back then and she knew she had to take that into account.

As she gave a muffled cry of pain while she was biting into Kane's thigh and tearing at the fur on his side, she put all her remaining strength into one last push that finally freed the final pup. As soon as their youngest had slid free she collapsed back into the bedding, releasing Kane's thigh and panting hard as she laid her head on him again, hardly able to lift her head this time around. It wasn't until after she heard the pup's cries, which admittedly weren't as shrill or angry as the first two, and Kane had put the large boy at her stomach that she had finally caught her breath enough to lift her head and see their completed family. A tired grin pulled at her lips when she saw the boy that looked so much like Kane that he nearly could have been Kane reincarnate.

It was kind of funny seeing the large boy next to his much smaller sisters, but they were theirs, their perfect little family. She looked up at Kane with a joyous, loving smile, tears shining in her mint gaze as she looked to her mate, the one that had made this all possible. He gave her a second chance at love and family and now they would get to raise these perfect pups together. "They're so beautiful..." she marveled softly with a breathless laugh, her paw gently rubbing their backs while they enjoyed their first meal at her stomach, curled up safe and sound between their parents.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley