
The Meeting of the Murder Bunch

Saracyn, Albion, Scylla



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-31-2022, 05:47 PM

Still standing with dagger at the ready, Scylla was raring to go. She wanted the older boy to say something or do something. She wanted to spill more of his blood. Nothing would make her happier, especially after what he called her. The small girl's speckle striped coat bristled and she flashed her own teeth, mismatched eyes glinting with undisguised malice. His second threat brought a growl from the girl. "Not before I pop those pretty blue eyes out of your head, you half rotten strawberry." Yeah... so he was red with dark spots... like a rotten strawberry. Whatever.

The purple girl that was with the bastard stepped forward, attempting to smooth things over. Scylla's gaze never left the russet boy as his sister spoke. Apparently they were guests and their parents were speaking with her father. Gaze narrowing as the boy stalked off, Scylla sheathed her blade and looked to the girl who introduced both herself and her brother. Motion from the corner of her eye pulled Scylla's attention to Albion for a moment. Where had he been when she was beating up the riffraff?

"Scylla Klein and this is my brother, Albion," She spoke with a nod. "King Chimera is indeed our father," the girl added. "Does your brother always walk into the homes of others uninvited? There are things here that aren't meant to be seen by outsiders." One may have thought that she was talking about the slave pens, but she was really talking about her own secret hut of treasures. She didn't want anyone in there unless she decided that they should be in there.

Casting a sidelong glance at her silent brother, Scylla's brow furrowed. She probably should try to be a little diplomatic, eh? The slate and snow wolf's eyes fixed on the sulking red brute again and she spoke. "I apologize for harming you." The words were a little stiff, but she said them. "I know some healing. Do you want me to look at your nose?" She was being generous. More generous than a trespasser, for he certainly had tried to be one, deserved.

"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]