
Lupus in Fabula

Tamsyn ♡



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

02-01-2022, 03:00 AM

The relief that Kane felt wash away his worries when Tamsyn confirmed that she hadn't been hurt was indescribable. When he'd watched that paleo dire wolf throw her aside like a rag doll, his whole world had stopped spinning, dreading the worst. Seeing and hearing that she was fine was the cherry that topped this victory cake. "Thank the stars, I was so worried he'd hurt you," he said amidst a heavy sigh, leaning his cheek into Tam's paws while she wiped the tears from his face. "It's over... It's finally done..." Tiva had been avenged and could rest easy, and he could close this long running chapter in his book of life. Now the future just held happier days in store for him and Tamsyn. They could do whatever they wanted, go wherever they pleased. The world was theirs from now until the end of days.

Or so he thought. It turned out Tamsyn had a secret, one that was about to change his life for the best. He saw the excitement palpable on her features, far more than she should have had for him killing his mortal nemesis, provoking a curious glance from the hunter. Then she said those two words. "I'm pregnant." Kane felt his heart miss a beat and leap up into his throat. Hazel eyes grew wide with surprise and amazement, his brain which was already scrambled from the fight struggling to comprehend what his mate was telling him. The more she spoke, the more Kane realized that this was a reality. This was really happening. He and Tamsyn were going to be parents! "Y-You're...?" He glanced down at her belly, lifting a large paw to rest against her midsection. His pups were growing in there. His pups! A shocked, incredulous smile slowly crept across the old hunter's face, followed by breathy, giddy laughter. His bushy tail started to mimic Tam's as it wagged in a rapid blur behind him. Fresh tears fell from his eyes. He was going to be a father!

Just like that, Kane's life had taken a full 180. Just a short year ago, he'd come to Boreas a bitter and vengeful hunter bent on revenge or death. Today, he sat on a throne of triumph with the love of his life at his side and their family growing within her belly, his nemesis defeated and dead, his past avenged. He had nothing but joy and love to look forward to where once he had planned nothing but his demise. "We're going to be parents, Tamsyn!" he exclaimed before throwing his forelegs around her in a tight embrace, hugging her tight to his chest while he covered her forehead and face in loving kisses and licks. "You silly little blackbird, of course I would've kept you from coming! Are you out of your mind?! You went up against that thing with our children in you! I'm furious, but I'm also so happy and actually kind of impressed, but I'm so mad!"

Kane was so caught in a whirlwind of dizzying emotions, all he could focus on was his joy. And then the lightheadedness came back and he very nearly toppled over with Tam in his arms. His head was throbbing, his chest felt like it was on fire, and he was bleeding from several deep lacerations and puncture wounds. He needed medical attention immediately. "Whoa..." he murmured while he caught himself, blinking his hazy vision clear while he tried to stay conscious. "We, uh... We should get back home. I think I need to see Gwynevere." Rising to his paws was a challenge, but Kane managed to get back up without collapsing, gasping for breath against the pressure in his chest. The fight had been won. Now he just needed to survive the aftermath so he could become a father.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.