
My Life is Brighter Because of You

Kane (birth)



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

02-01-2022, 03:53 AM

As Tamsyn's contractions started up for a third time that night, Kane had much of the same concerns that his mate did, namely around the size of their third child. Given how small their two daughters were and the size of Tamsyn's pregnancy belly, the last one had to be fairly sizable. Tamsyn's gasp was the first alert that this time would be different, and her pained whines sent his heart into a panicked flurry. He felt Tam grab onto his fur tight, holding him with all her might while she buried her face into his side. He tried to soothingly shush and hum to her again, but this time would be no picnic for the older fae. He heard her muffled screams and did his best to remain calm, rubbing her contracting belly gently to reassure her that he was here for her. "You're doing wonderful, little blackbird. Keep going, you're almost done." Kane cursed himself for not insisting Tamsyn take the trillium in advance, wondering if it would make any difference if she did so now.

The birthing process took longer for this third pup, her body having to work harder to bring it into the world. Kane grit his teeth with a low growl when he felt Tamsyn bite into his thigh to steady herself in her labor, grunting and bearing the pain with her. He continued to rub her trembling body, singing a soft hymn in his language. "Almost there, Tamsyn. It's almost done. Just a bit more." With one last scream from Tam and her fangs sinking into his thigh while she clawed at the fur on his side, Tamsyn birthed their third pup. Kane hurried to clean the pup off, inspecting him and beaming when he realized the boy was his spitting image in almost every regard. "A cinksi! We have a son!" he announced to his exhausted mate before placing their son amongst his sisters at Tam's belly.

While Tamsyn recuperated and watched their children, Kane placed his paw on her belly, gently probing and feeling for any more little ones on the way. When he felt nothing and felt Tam's body beginning to relax, he glanced at his mate with a look of love and pride, giving her an approving nod. "He was the last one. You did it, Tamsyn! I'm so proud of you, my love!" The earthen hunter slowly extracted himself so he could turn around again, ignoring his bleeding thigh for now in favor of tending to Tam and their children. He replaced the trillium with alfalfa and meadowsweet, urging Tamsyn to take them while he filled a bowl with fresh water from a skin hanging off the den wall for her. "They are beautiful... They take after their mother," he agreed with a fatherly smile to his little family, only half focusing while he made sure he tended to Tam's needs.

Once he'd gotten her everything he knew she'd need, he settled in to complete the loop around their new pups once more, pressing a bandage to his thigh to stem the bleeding while he cuddled with his mate and watched their children feed. "Thank you, Tamsyn. You've brought me more than I could ever deserve." Kane leaned in to plant a long, loving kiss on his mate's lips, content to curl around her and their new family.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.