
dinner and a surprise



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-01-2022, 10:01 AM
There weren’t many moments she spent apart from Roman since the summer and her heat cycle started. Partially because he had become part of her everyday routine, he was supposed to be at her side. It was so much more than that though as she craved him deeply and needed him intimately. She hadn’t really left her bedroom for a few weeks now. She used the excuse that she didn’t want to bother anyone with her moodiness, or her stench, but the truth was she just wanted to stay tangled up in Roman for the rest of the summer. Of course that was a silly notion, but she daydreamed about the possibility more often than not.

So to say they had not become hermits and really were still a part of the Hallows she and Roman were in the great hall preparing a sweet little dinner date that evening. They would show their faces and enjoy a small romantic dinner by the fire. Lillith prepared their meal and Roman brought a familiar looking bottle of wine to their little dinner. There was a fire in the hearth that chased away any chill of the rain outside. The warm scent of fire filled the room as Lil took a seat by the fire. Her grin was bright as her garnet gaze fell on Roman’s form, a smile that never really left her lips while she was with her boyfriend.

While her heat seemed to simmer down over the last few days the not so innocent girl was still eager to finish their meal and retire to the bedroom for the night. Shyly Lil leaned against him when he sat beside her, nearly purring in delight of just being beside him. "Hello, handsome.” She giggled softly and reached up to kiss Roman’s cheek.
