
long time no sea



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
02-01-2022, 10:43 PM

Her expressions went very unchanged as he sent her a near compliment she supposed. Though she couldn't help but hate the silly title he tried to give her. She guessed that calling her an ice queen meant some kind of royalty of respect, but it wasn't a tone that she fancied much. She had seen him enough for him to get the idea of how she was raised, she had spoke of it before. Her eyes moving off of him to look back out at the sun setted oceans she spoke again, "Surviving the northern lands proves your overall strength." She paused with a careful grimace without looking back at Kuroki. "I've been learning to live on my own more recently."

She had minded his paw poking less than him trying to harass her stubbed antlers and this time didn't shy away from his touch. She wasn't going to go any further than that though, she wouldn't know how. It had been mostly just her and her family over the last few seasons since Incendium fell. A careful side eye as Kuroki asked if she still lived northern, she wasn't too great with keeping her eyes on him at least. Was that because she liked him? Or didn't care much for him? She couldn't really tell honestly. "I've been wanting to move further south. But I... don't want to be away from my family." While her voice was stale, it was a true feeling inside of her that she probably wouldn't have shared so carelessly had she not been with Kuroki. He couldn't know that though. She wasn't sure if he felt the same way about his own family either.


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.