
To The Victor, The Spoils




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
02-02-2022, 03:41 AM

Ciná grinned and nodded in response when Alastor introduced himself in response. He didn't know how often he'd be seeing the other man again after this, but it never hurt to know his name all the same! Alastor went on, saying how he liked his bravado and attitude, making Cináed glance at him with a slightly surprised glance and a smirk. It was the first time he had gotten that kind of compliment, but he appreciated it all the same. If anything his headstrong nature and bold comments got him in trouble more often than not, but he'd take the compliments where he could get them. He didn't quite follow what Alastor was getting at with his comments about prizes better than a well cooked steak, but he just replied, "Yeah... of course," in response as he was lead into the band's camp.

Cináed followed Alastor over to a den on the outskirts of the camp and gave the man a curious glance when Alastor sat himself down outside of it, motioning for him to take a look. With a bit of confusion he peeked inside, seeing a spread of furs laid out and the tawny woman laid out on the bed, her pale coloring easily seen fairly easily despite the shadows of the night and the den she was waiting in. Not really knowing what to make of it and not quite connecting the dots just yet, he glanced up at Alastor as he talked about things like having more primal tastes. He tried not to let his ignorance on the subject show, instead just keeping a smirk on his lips as Alastor went on, describing how there was nothing like fucking a fae after a bloody fight. His ears perked a bit and his brows lifted with surprise when Alastor finally got around to revealing what the 'prize' he had hinted at was—having access to this woman for as long as he desired.

Cináed didn't know how to react at first, his golden gaze blinking with a bit of shock. He hoped it came off as disbelief that he was being offered such a thing from someone he defeated rather than his complete uncertainty at how to approach the situation. His smirk grew into a grin and he chuckled, replying, "That's certainly generous of you, Alastor. Remind me to thrash you in fights more often." The fiery boy glanced back at the den again, sorting through his options. On one hand he didn't have the foggiest idea what to do with a woman and he probably could bow out and head back to Fenmyre, but on the other hand if he did that then he'd probably lose any credibility he had built up with the Elysium man... plus, what other opportunity like this would he ever come across again? "Well, feel free to go back and enjoy the rest of the feast. It seemed like your wife was having a wonderful time and I imagine she'd like to be fucked silly after her fights as well, hm?" he questioned with a toothy grin. "I'll head back when I'm done here then."
