
Memories Like Broken Glass, Threaten To Tear Me Apart




Master Fighter (285)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years

Snake EyesCritical Block!OverachieverPride - Demisexual
02-02-2022, 06:03 PM

Wight moves through the snow, head bowed in concentration as she works on putting one paw in front of the other. A sound catches her ear, someone calling out to her, and it has the red masked woman lifting head. Surprise crosses her features as she sees a shadowy form bounding toward her. Red hued eyebrows shoot up as she stops her forward progress, opting to watch the ink and silver wolf’s effortless trek through the snow. A snort of amusement (and a little bit of jealousy) can be heard as the dark shadow approaches, their concern written plainly on their features. Silver duel-toned eyes inspect the wolf, a small smile appearing as she notice’s their thick coat and broad paws seemingly made for these conditions.

Wight was born on an island that was more dreary rainy days than snow covered and, while she can handle some cold, the constant, icy wind has left her chilled. As the wolf stops near her, she longs to wrap herself in their coat. Shaking the silly thought from her head, the space hued woman dips her head in a respectable bow and says, “Well, hello there. Didn’t think there was anyone else who lives in this icy land. Nice to see a friendly face.” She offers another small smile, eyes still holding some wary reserve in their depths. But, if the wolf made for snow wanted to attack her, it probably could have done it without drawing attention to itself.

Stomach rumbles its empty displeasure and Wight releases a deep sigh, looking at the shadow cloaked wolf as she weighs her options. Giving a small nod, more to herself then the inky wolf, she says, “My name’s Wight. What is this place?” Gesturing a white-tipped paw at their surroundings, she asks for the name of this hellish cold place all while she eyes the thick coat of the wolf. The sharp wind gust has her shorter frame shaking and she wonders if the wolf would notice if she sidled up to them and tried to steal some of their warmth. Yeah, they probably would… but would they care? That is the real question.

"Wight Baade"