
Peace Treaty



The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-02-2022, 06:50 PM

Bowen was more than a little surprised when her bite landed. It didn't land where she had intended, but it landed. The moment that she tasted blood though, she released and pulled back. Really, she hadn't even bitten that hard. The iron taste in her mouth sobered the woman a bit, but it seemed to have the opposite effect on Briar. With a growl, the larger fae lashed out with one paw. Bowen's position had shifted and the blow caught her square in the mouth. A little yelp of surprise pulled from the russet and snow fae and her eyes went wide.

Stepping back, still slightly in shock, the woman lifted one dark foreleg, turning her paw upward to touch her lip. The pink pads came away in a wash of crimson. Her lower lip had split wide open and blood was dripping from it and onto the ground beneath her. Eyes still wide, Bowen looked back towards Briar. She could see the blood on the antlered woman's shoulder. She'd landed a blow and there was the proof. Briars proof was still dribbling down her chin.

Suddenly, the pretty little fae's split lip pulled. A grin was forming on her face. Gradually, that grin turned into a laugh. Just a little giggle at first, but soon Bowen was emitting joyous laughter. She dropped onto her side on the ground, enjoying the rush of adrenaline and the expulsion of the negativity that she'd felt before. Eventually the laughter died, but the smile remained. Shifting her gaze to look at Briar, Bowen gave a nod. "I really needed that," she admitted. The animosity that she'd felt towards the other woman only moments ago had dissipated. She still had misgivings, but things almost seemed hopeful now.

"You know... I didn't want to like you." Bowen placed her cheek back upon the ground and her long tail lashed languidly back and forth. "I just got Artorias back, and you took him from me. So I've had negative feelings about that." Bowen sighed and stretched, her voice a little strained as she began to speak again through the stretching. "That's not your fault though. He loves you and I should be happy that he found someone that loves him like I love him." With the stretch ended, the woman shrugged, viridian eyes closing. "It's just hard, you know?"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]