
A Fighting Promise


09-30-2013, 10:54 PM

Rage was built up in him. He had found his sister after seasons of searching, nearly a year to be exact. But he couldn't take her home...couldn't bring her with him. She was held captive, a prisoner of the new Amenti queen. He wanted so badly to rush in and attack the one that claimed to be her "master" but knew he was not strong enough. The memory of him being forced to walk away from pained him greatly, only adding more determination and anger to his soul. Before he had departed, he promised he would return and get her out of there. Even if it cost him his life, he would save her. She was his sister after all, and he would do anything for her. Even if it meant he had to trade places with her to gain her freedom. It was something he was willing to do. She meant everything to him, and to see her in such a torn up state killed him. Mismatched paws stopped on the blood stained grounds, the winds passing him by as he gazed across the lands with ice glazed eyes. He would throw his head back, a single howl slicing the quiet air, calling someone to fight. He had to release his frustrations, but more so...he had to start practicing to get better and stronger so he could challenge the crazed queen.
Practice Spar
