
To The Victor, The Spoils




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
02-02-2022, 11:20 PM

Something about the way that the dainty woman was talking to him was somehow strange and flattering at the same time. Hearing himself being called handsome, a lord, highborn... They were all terms and words that were obviously meant to flatter and stroke his ego and to a certain extent it did, but as someone who often played a role and put on a show he could see that clear as day in others as well. This very obviously wasn't her first time doing this sort of thing and he was sure that she was doing all of the things that would normally draw in a brute. The seductive purr to her words and the way she pressed herself against him, rolling over to expose anything and everything to him—it was all enticing, but in a formulaic kind of way. He could at least admit that the way her paw traced along his jaw and neck felt nice and sent little sparks of electricity across his skin. He hummed softly at the sensation while he tried to resist the urge to let his golden gaze drift down her body out of sheer curiosity. "Well... you know what happens when you assume things," he muttered in response when she insisted he must be highborn. Maybe at one point he would have considered himself such a thing, but not any more. Now his former surname was nothing to him.

The first genuine reaction he noticed from her was the surprise that crossed her face when he asked for her name. Did the wolves she usually did this for not even ask for her name? Was he not supposed to? He had so many questions about this situation that he had been dropped into though he wasn't sure if he could ask them now without making himself look like an idiot or at the very least a child. The tan, stripped woman recovered quickly though and replied with her name, but quickly spun it back into this seductive act she put on for him. She pressed into him more, everywhere her soft fur mixed with his along his side causing more of those tingles and sparks of electric sensations he couldn't explain, but that he did enjoy. He wished he had a firm answer for her for what he desired from her, but he didn't even know what to ask for. "Well... What would you like, Irilyth? What's your favorite thing to do? I'm sure it'll be even better if we both enjoy it," he finally answered after a moment, pleased with himself over how sure of himself he sounded. He shifted a bit after a moment, gathering up a bit of courage so he could lay a bit more on his side and slip one of his forelegs around her. His paw brushed over the soft, white fluff of her chest, blinking a bit at the feeling of just how soft her fur was under his paw pads.
