
poor planning


09-30-2013, 11:09 PM

Up, down, up, down went the dry, browning knolls and with each new incline Royale found himself increasingly more disgruntled. The days had already begun to shorten, taking with it the sunlight as autumn?s vibrant displays darkened under winter?s obvious encroachment. It was only a matter of time before they saw the first flurries of snow and the young wolf was beginning to see where his lackadaisical attitude had gotten him in the past four months. Nowhere, that?s where.

He?d been traipsing across the countryside with nothing more than a vague concept motivating his journey. Looking for an established back wasn?t particularly hard; everybody marked their lands accordingly and with perturbing frequency. No, it wasn?t the locating part that was resulting in his current dilemma as a wandering vagabond ? it was him. Loathe though he was to admit his own folly and lacking set of priorities, Royale had let himself get distracted by?well, everything. If he wasn?t terrorizing the local wild life he was running across the hilltops ? much like he was doing now actually ? taking in the sights, convincing himself that he?d settle his business tomorrow.

Except every tomorrow ended up being identical to the day before, and the one before that?and the one before that?Did he mention he wasn't very good at setting his priorities?

The lanky runner broke over the crest of the final plateau, lips skewed in an uncustomary frown as he surveyed his current location with heavy scrutiny. He?d have bet his lunch (had he any to speak of) that this was the direction where he?d scented recent activity but from the looks of it the only action to be had here happened decades ago. The ruins were coated in a generous layering of dust, walls crumbled against one another and any manner of structural achievement was weatherworn and sanded away.

Watery blue eyes darkened in consternation, why had he waited so long! Now he wasn?t even sure which way to turn and by the looks of the darkening skies rain wasn?t too far off from breaking over the steppe. ?Juuust wonderful?? He grunted, exasperated by his own poor scheduling and loping glumly into the shadow of the tilted buildings. Being lost and hungry he could deal with, but having to be wet on top of that would really bring the mode in.
