
Memories Like Broken Glass, Threaten To Tear Me Apart




Master Fighter (285)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years

Snake EyesCritical Block!OverachieverPride - Demisexual
02-03-2022, 02:10 AM

The freezing wolf’s eyes dance with mirth as the shadow speaks, a chuckle working its way past her cold lips. They move together, Viðarr with a skip in his step while Wight’s movements seem slightly… stiffer. Maybe she has stayed in the cold snow for too long this time but… she had to stay, she had wait for her family. The shadow moves into her personal bubble and Wight accepts his presence gratefully, even going so far as to step into his side… if he allows it. A content sigh passes her lips as the sting is taken out from the cold and she offer the man a warm smile. Viðarr’s question leaves her speechless, brows furrowing as she tries to remember exactly how long she has been here. Was it seven months? Nine? A whole year? Giving a small shake of her skull, Wight says, “It has been several months. Maybe eight or nine. I have stayed close to this place hoping that my family would wash up like I had. I… guess I’m last one.”

Starry shoulders shrug as her lips pull down in a frown, a sad sigh passing her dark lips. Her question on where they are going is answered with a simple word, ‘Home’. The raw wound on her heart tugs painfully, threatening to split open once more. Silvery eyes look up to Viðarr, seeing the pride the word brings to inky wolf, Wight offers him a happy smile, the joy not quite reaching her eyes. She is happy for him but thoughts of her own lost family weigh her down. Then, Viðarr speaks of food and family, sitting around a fire and thawing her out, which causes her smile to grow. Giving a small chuckle, Wight says, “Well Viðarr, you had me at food. Let’s go! Hopefully I’m not a snowwolf by the time we get there.” Tossing the shadow a wink, the starry cloaked wolf settles into a steady pace next to him, the thought of food and a fire giving the frozen woman the energy she needs to keep going.

"Wight Baade"