
To The Victor, The Spoils




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-03-2022, 02:14 AM

Irilyth couldn't resist the small hum of laughter when Cináed quipped back a cautionary phrase about assuming things. She did enjoy his banter, but it made her wonder why he was dragging this out. All the other brutes she'd bedded had been quick to get in, do the deed, and be on their way. Perhaps he enjoyed the companionship aspect more? Throughout all of her seduction and teasing, Iri noticed how tense and uncomfortable Ciná looked despite the bravado he was trying to put off. He looked like a pup out of place somewhere he didn't belong. No matter what she did, from pressing into him to stroking him to enticing him in, he just looked stiff and unsure. When he asked what she would like—another thing none of her masters had ever done before—and explained he wanted her to enjoy it as well, she finally had her answer. Cináed had no idea what he was doing.

Irilyth blinked wide eyes up at him in astonishment while he rolled to his side and slipped a foreleg awkwardly around her to very gingerly stroke over her soft fluffy chest and belly fur. The sensations felt nice, the gentle touch one she wasn't expecting or used to. "You've... never done this before, have you?" she asked after a moment, though the question came out more like a statement while she remained on her back, letting him touch and look wherever he pleased. Realization dawned on Irilyth. Ciná was a virgin. He'd never laid with a fae before, which was why he was behaving so awkwardly and was so hesitant to do anything with her. Surprisingly, she found it endearing and adorable. Here was this big, tough looking manly brute, overwhelmed at the prospect of mating and his first time. Iri waited for him to confirm or deny her suspicions, but even if he denied, that would be an admission of sorts to her.
