
To The Victor, The Spoils




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-03-2022, 02:47 AM

Just as she suspected, Cináed stumbled over his words before admitting that no, he hadn't done anything sexual before in his life. The smile on Irilyth's face grew even wider when she realized just how cute he was and how rare of a find it was for her to be given a virgin brute! He looked so embarrassed and almost ashamed by his lack of experience and knowledge, even offering to just leave so she didn't have to do anything and that he'd cover for her. Were this any other circumstance, Irilyth would have taken the offer in a heartbeat to avoid having to sleep with someone who wasn't her Mistress and Master—but in this case, Ciná had been gentle and sweet with her, and he'd struck a soft spot in her heart. Plus it wasn't every day she got to teach a virgin and show him the wonderful world of mating.

He'd sadly removed his paw from her belly, so Irilyth instead rolled over to press her side back into his, leaning her muzzle up to run through the fur on the side of his neck. "Don't be silly now, you sweet boy," she purred in her velvety lyrics to him, letting gentle fangs nibble gingerly through his fur. "There's only one way you're ever going to learn. What better time than now? You've got a willing teacher and all night to practice." Irilyth rose in a single fluid movement to her paws, brushing her silky tail over Ciná's hip and along his side while she sauntered around to place herself before him, moving with swaying hips in each step. A dainty paw lifted to cup his chin, turning his face so their gazes met. "You were sweet and gentle with me, so I'm going to teach you everything you need to know about sex tonight. All paws on lessons."

With a sultry grin on her face, Irilyth looked over all of the handsome young brute before her. He was still quite youthful, but massive and with a well toned frame from a lifetime of physical activity. He would have no problem securing ladies to warm his bed at night, of that she was certain. He just needed the right knowledge and tools to perform to his peak ability. "Have you ever been kissed before, Cináed?" asked Iri, pausing for just a moment to allow him to answer before she took his cheeks in delicate paws and guided his muzzle to hers. She kissed him slowly at first, just a gentle grazing of her lips against his so he could get used to the sensations. After her third or fourth kiss, Iri pressed her mouth firmly to Ciná's, kissing him deeply and leisurely so he could savor the experience. Pale blonde laps parted smoky crimson with gentle pressure and Irilyth slipped her tongue into Ciná's maw, giving him his first true kiss and letting him taste her as she did him.
