
Stranger Tides [open]


03-03-2013, 11:06 PM
Such silence gripped this land, the soft grass muffling any noise that her paws may have dared to make. The beast moved at a slow lumber, shoulders rolling languidly to absorb the shock as her massive paws pressed heavily against the snow and sunk deeply into the soft powder. It wasn?t especially cold here temperature wise, though there was a bit of a wind to bite at her exposed scars and still healing wounds on her face, neck and ribs. It ruffled the thick ruff insulating her neck and she shook her head against the slight tickle, shoulders rolling against the feeling. Torn and frayed ears were kept pinned to her skull to keep the rips warm but there was nothing she could do to block the scarring on her face from the bite of the wind.

She worked her jaw slightly, trying to get her mouth a bit warmed by working the muscles. Though some of her scars had new hair growth over top of them, white and silver hairs covering them from the cold, most remained uncovered and the wind bit into them unpleasantly. As much as she tried to ignore the feeling of the chilly wind dancing against her flesh, trailing icy fingers over her scars, she couldn?t block it out. Her mind a was a whirl, trying to distract herself, figure everything out but she couldn?t, she could only focus on how uncomfortable the chill felt that was creeping through her.

She walked with no true purpose other then to walk. Things were back to the way that they should be; Newt had gotten her her pack back and now was the time to figure everything out. She had named herself heir, she would get Newt to say it but Zara was the one who was doing the planning. She would name Snap a beta and maybe Rook after their fight if she could convince her to stay. Khaos, Brina and Lux were there for her as well so they needed to higher ranks as well. But she could talk to them about it. Drama drama drama? A smile twitched up the edges of her lips and she chuckled as she lifted her head.

In the distance she noticed a figure, one built up of fur ridging the edge of her spine. Head tipped curiously as she moved towards the shape. She turned towards the shape and allowed her paws to carry her towards the figure. ?Hello, what brings you here?? she asked as she approached, colorless eyes studying the female as she came to a halt a little ways off. Such an interesting pattern?She was quite stunning in her own way, the mohawk lining her spine making her look much larger then she truly was. Not to say that she was small, those jaws looked like they could do some serious damage. She would do well in Lentajin if Zara could convince her to come back to the lands with her.