
Dead in the Water


09-30-2013, 11:58 PM

She followed his cues, her head hung low and dead eyes failing to focus on anything in particular as she moved. If he had not seen the change for himself he would have never guessed this was the Azalea he had met and fell for, never would have guessed that this was the energetic heir to the Valhallen throne that he had been fairly sure was going to rip his throat out the second they were alone after seeing her at the battlefield. But now all the fire and determination he had seen in her eyes was gone, it had fled and retreated from Isa's icy threats. Vixe found that the male had either this effect on women who came here of the effect he had on Argent. Women either loved him or were resigned to his rule.

Vixe had broken up a few fights between the brood in his time here, he found that they got rather emotional and sometimes crazy around their heat cycles. He would avoid them if he could but his job was to keep them safe even if that meant from other pack members.

She was motionless, a statue amidst the frigid wasteland the surrounded them and her eyes were as dead as the lands around them. She only showed life as his voice echoed around them, her eyes closing as if that could somehow hold herself in, somehow cut herself off. But finally she spoke, her tone as dead as her eyes. He focused on steadying his breathing, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. Her words were straight to the point, cold and cut off, devoid of life. But somewhere deep down he understood what she meant. Her words that followed cut even deeper and he cast his gaze to the ground beside him.

For a time he let the silence lapse, hearing her breath come out in a swift ball as if she was trying to release the pent up frustrations that must be boiling inside her. He sat behind her for quite some time, eyes trying to pry the answers out of the ground he was staring at but none of them came. "I'm sorry..." His words were soft now, though he wasn't sure what exactly he was apologizing for.

He knew he had a lot to be sorry for, but he didn't want to list them when she could probably list them better then he. And what else could he say? He wanted to tell her everything, to make her understand but he knew she wouldn't. "I'll do what I can for you but..." He trailed off and sighed, closing his eyes before letting his gaze drift upwards.

"If could take you and run away right now I would." He said, head tipped down now and he closed his eyes, waiting for her to yell at him or explode and tell him that she was a strong independent woman and was more then able to care for herself. The Azalea he knew would have done that but to be honest he wasn't sure how this new withdrawn woman would react to his words...
