
Fancy seeing you here... again

Ike (seasonal)



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
02-03-2022, 07:19 PM

Remus walked along the large Rio Grande river until he found a spot that where the water wasn't flowing too rapidly and settled down at the water's edge. He made sure he was a bit more aware of his surroundings this time around compared to when he was here last just to make sure he wasn't attacked by any crazed predators. He smirked a little while he was taking off the bracers that wrapped around his front legs, thinking about that fight with the speckled, antlered girl that had come to his rescue. He had been thinking about taking her up on her offer to call for her since he left and went down to Auster, but he wondered if she'd even want him to or if she was just being polite. The smirk she gave him right before they both took their leave told him he might have managed to save the interaction right at the end, but it'd be hard to tell until he saw her again.

He chuckled a little and shook his head at himself, setting the bracers to the side. He took out the dark steel dagger from its sheath and held it in the running water to let it get washed off. There was some old, dried blood stuck where the blade met up with the guard from where he had used it to skin a recent kill and he'd been too lazy to clean it off right away. He was paying for it now while he let the blade soak a bit before he started picking away at the dried blood with his claws. He glanced up, looking back the way he came in the direction of Auster. He had been torn about leaving his brother behind again, but he assured himself that he'd at least know where to find him this time.

While he did some work maintaining his weapon the direction of the breeze changed and with it brought the scent of the pack that Ike had carried on her. Yet again the princess crossed his mind and he smirked at himself. Finally he gave in and lifted his head, letting out a quiet call for the princess. If she ignored him he wouldn't blame her, but if he was going to be here for a little bit then he might as well try to find some company, right? With his call made he sat up to sit on his haunches, laying the blade on the grass in front of him while he pulled over a satchel of supplies he had been carrying that he had gotten from The Hallows while he was staying there. He pulled out a heavy weight piece of cloth, using it to dry off the dagger and remove the last of the gunk stuck to it.

WC: 470
Total: 470 / 1500

"Remus Armada"