
dinner and a surprise



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-04-2022, 03:58 AM

Summer had very quickly solidified itself as Romulus' favorite season, as Lillith had given him an even greater reason to love the usually sunny and pleasant time of year. The two wolves had spent virtually all of their time together cooped up in their bedroom, losing themselves to the pleasures and intimacies of their young bodies as they explored and enjoyed Lil's heat season to the fullest. Every so often, they would make occasional excursions out to show their faces and refuel, but for the most part, the two young lovers spent all of their time tangled up in one another in bed, filling the downtime in their refractory periods with pillow talk and loving whispers of the future and whatever was on their minds. If heaven were a place on earth, Roman had found it in that bedroom with Lillith and he never wanted to leave.

Tonight, the two had made plans to share a little romantic fireside dinner together while they kept themselves fed and hydrated. It also gave them the perfect excuse to do their daily bout of showing their faces before retreating back up to the privacy of their room for more salacious fun together. While Lillith prepared their food, Roman had ventured down into the wine cellar to select another one of the finer vintages of Hallowed wine. He was fast learning the nuances of winery thanks to experience and also some guidance from Artorias, who had become something of a sommelier himself. Picking a familiar red wine, Roman brought the bottle up to join his alabaster angel beside the fire. He walked past her with a gentle nudge of his hips against her side and a wink when she looked up at him.

"Hey, beautiful," he replied back with a chuckle of his own, leaning his cheek in to let her lips catch it before he quickly turned to snag a kiss from her lips before she could pull back. Lillith's love had become his everyday drug, a fixture in his daily life that he needed just to function. She brought him joy and peace and light. The wide smile he only ever wore for her was plastered across his face while he popped open the cork from the end of the bottle, taking a sampling sip of the wine before nodding in approval. "Oh yeah, you'll remember this one!" He passed the bottle over to Lil while he leaned back into her side, eager to finish their meal so they could retire to bed again to enjoy dessert together.
