
The wonderful world of Ozz


10-01-2013, 02:14 AM

Heaving a sigh as the french women padded along, muttering a tad as she spat out even more of that vile tasting paste, ugh this shit was nasty to say the least. The two different herbs quite left a bad taste in her mouth to say the least, the soon she found a stream the better along with perhaps a meal to rid of the lingering taste. However it seemed that would be taking awhile as that gaze shifted to another of whom decided to visit her. Pausing in her steps, that frosted eyes traced over her form, wasn't she the one that was cuddling up to Canttina at the fight and defying that midnight wrench?

"A pleasure." Raising a brow as she gave a short response at least at first. As Ozz kept their distance and sat down a few feet away Morgana decided to approach her; why not after all? They were of the same pack, have being dubbed as a Solider a rank that was unfitting for the Pendragon in the least. "The wrench doesn't know her place and is too weak to admit that she had lost a gamble, if she was afraid that one may lose the pack they had lead previously; why hand it over?" Speaking plainly as Morgana circled her once to give Ozz a look over, it took a few mere moments before she was standing before Ozz once again.