
Cupid's Arrow

A Game!


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Intermediate Hunter (55)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2022, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2022, 06:41 PM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)
He thought that he had caught sight of Gwynevere weaving through the crowds, and he felt his heart jump in his throat the moment he did. Of course the love struck boy couldn’t help but follow after the sight. She wasn’t easy to catch, not with the massive horde of wolves here, but he didn’t lose sight of her dark furred form. The quiet an followed her to the circle of gaming booths and he waited, watching her as she stepped forward and threw her dart.

He was already captivated by her. Ysmir eventually slipped forward and rubbed his shoulder against hers, a huge grin of his features as he took his turn at the dart game. Wondering if he could win something for his sweetheart. Ysmir took the dart and let it fly.


The coydog claps his paws together happily. ”Oooo so exciting! Come on over here, gorgeous, and we’ll see what you’ve won!” He plucks the little paper from where the balloon once was, reading the text there.

He hands you a brightly colored little booklet of papers that look like coupons for pups to give to their parents.

Coupon Pack: for pups and parents, these fun little coupon books are for pups to “buy” things from their parents. The coupons claim they are good for one free lesson, a pet, free hugs, and one free get-out-of-punishment coupon! Contains a pass for one double skill point lesson thread between parent and pup (parent does not need to have the skill to give the lesson) and a 50% discount off any companion pass for a pup under 1 year.

Staff: note when used
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.