
Cupid's Arrow

A Game!



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
02-04-2022, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2022, 06:43 PM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)

He hadn’t really strayed far from his new friends pack for the entire duration of the ooze. Even when she sun came back he felt compelled to stick close by just in case she needed him. If he happened to give into his itchy paws, well, he might miss her if she called right? When the whole family came out, he hung back a bit, not wanting to intrude, or get on their bad side. He never stopped to think that maybe it seemed rude that he had been lurking all this time without a formal introduction, but he’d never really had good manners driven into him as a kid.

His tail waved happily when Fortune dropped back to join him, and while she might have been concerned about her family’s glances, the boy by her side was oblivious.

The sights and sounds of the carnival were something else. Not to be outdone, Arne also stepped up to the dashing coydog with his stripey coat and stunning scarf. He took up one of the darts on offer and aimed for a pink balloon, though he’d be happy to hit any of them if he was honest.

"Arne Speech!"
code & art © skelle 2021


The coydog claps his paws together happily. ”Oooo so exciting! Come on over here, gorgeous, and we’ll see what you’ve won!” He plucks the little paper from where the balloon once was, reading the text there.

He hands you a bracelet with a strange charm on it.

Aquarius charm: a charm in the shape of the astrological sign, worn on a simple leather strip. When broken at the start of a race, the charm causes the course to become wet and muddy, making treacherous footing for the opponent! (-10% to opponent's balance score in a race)

Staff: note when used
[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]