
burn through the witches


10-01-2013, 04:34 AM

A sigh left haw jaws, her paws treaded through the soft snow that had obviously just recently fallen. Morgana had paid a visit just before the move and proven to pick a room in the far back, hidden from the rest among it's ever shifting shadows. Why Canttina picked this place to call home was beyond her, grunting a tad as her paws kissed the floor boards of the ships deck. A simple nod was given to Canttina and Ozz as she picked a spot to sit down, regal as always and carried with pride and royalty as that tail wrapped around her left side only to gently settle upon her ashen paws.

Those frosted eyes glanced around, spotting a dark colored fea along with one that hid behind Canttina; perhaps speaking to her wouldn't be a bad idea. After the meeting maybe, Gretel looked like an interesting one to be curios of. After all being the Empress's slave was far from an easy thing for one such as her to bare by the looks of the dame. Saving that thought for later, simply the french women waited for the others to show; whoever was els a part of the small pack. If one could even call it that.