
Cupid's Arrow

A Game!



Advanced Fighter (95)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2022, 05:39 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2022, 06:47 PM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)

While waiting for the fighting tourneys with his twin, the gangly youngster was taking the opportunity to join in on some of the games at the carnival. This was a rare occasion where he was out and about during the day, and his skin was certainly a bit worse for wear. Whenever he was idle, he did his best to heed his mother's warnings and find some shade to hunker down in. It kept the growing sunburn from getting worse, and improved the vision of his weak left eye a little. However, out among the throngs of attendees vying for their turns at a game or grabbing a snack, he walked with his head cocked in favour of pointing his melanistic right eye slightly more forward to improve his range of vision.  

The siren song of a pale coydog offering a test of skill was far too tempting to resist, and so off the youngster went to check out the booth where the russet brindled canine leaned casually against a counter. He watched a few of the players try their luck at tossing a dart at the shimmering balloons pinned to the backboard of the booth. It couldn't be that hard, right? Once it was his turn, the champagne youngster grabbed hold of a dark with crimson feathers adorning its dull end. It took a moment of fumbling to arrange it in a way that he liked between the long digits of his taloned forepaw, but when he was happy with his grip, he let the dart fly. A broad grin curved over his maw as he watched it sail towards the board, slate marked tail wagging with excitement. What was he going to win?!  


glitter hearts / love heart  


The coydog claps his paws together happily. ”Oooo so exciting! Come on over here, gorgeous, and we’ll see what you’ve won!” He plucks the little paper from where the balloon once was, reading the text there.

He hands you what seems to be a pet treat, for a companion animal.

This item provides a companion mutation pass

Staff: note when used