
Unexpected Findings



10-01-2013, 09:06 AM

She watched the male leave, definitely more angry than he had been before he came. The golden female's gaze didn't leave him as he retreated. His words didn't affect her like they would have someone else. He had spoken the unknown truth and that was something she didn't feel he deserved to know. After all, if she was such a bitch and he actually wanted to know why she acted as such, he would have simply asked. But, it wasn't as if she would have told him anyway.
When he was finally gone and out of her range of sight, Maija's defenses relaxed. The heat was unbearable and in a combination of her own misery, it only made her body more restricted. She wanted to jump out of her skin, and the only one she would ever allow to relieve her of it was gone. So, she settled for the next best thing. Her paws carried her to a wider and deeper part of the bubbling stream, one that was big enough for her to slip into without worrying about being swept away. Although, at that point, she would have been okay with it.
Without hesitating, Maija stepped into the water, letting the cool stream take away all of her problems. She closed her eyes and lazily rested her head against the cool ground. Her form folded into a laying position and she found a comfortable piece of the stream bed to let her weight collapse. The water swept around her and she took it without a fight. Ears bent against her head, being her eyes as she let the numerous thoughts of her past and Him swirl into oblivion. For that moment, she didn't care.
-EXIT Maija-

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