
Broken Hearts Still Dream Of Happiness



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-05-2022, 05:17 PM
Ricin’s ruby gaze rests on the golden maned boy and he watches Arcturus’s features as the other boy lays there. The soft chuckle that the blue pup’s question gets, has a lopsided grin making an appearance on dark blue lips, but it quickly falls away as the golden wolf speaks. The small shrug of dark shoulders has Ricin furrowing his brows and the way the golden boy looks away awkwardly lets the blue pup know that Arc is going through something very personal. He shifts his paws on the grass, a sudden feeling of guilt washing over Ricin as he continues to watch Arc. Should he push the golden boy? Try to pry out what is bothering him?

Thankfully, the blue pup doesn’t have to do anything as the golden maned boy freely offers his thoughts, speaking of how his father was killed. A knowing look comes into Ricin’s gaze and dips his head in understanding. If there was any wolf who knows the pain the losing a parent, it is him. Crimson eyes are filled with sympathy as he watches Arcturus’s face, seeing the small signs of a deep, consuming sadness. The frown that tugs golden lips down, the way he keeps his eyes diverted… Ricin understands it all. Does Arc blame himself for his father’s death? Hmm. A question for later.

Arcturus picks at the grass as speaks of thinking about his father and Ricin replaces his paw on top of Arc’s. The touch is instinctive, an overwhelming need to comfort the sad boy taking hold of the pup. He wonders if this fate, like Manea told him about. Was he here today to try and help Arcturus? He wouldn’t put it past fate. Ruby gaze tries to capture blue eyes and Ricin offers Arc a small, sad smile. Gently, he says, “I am really sorry Arcturus. I… know what it is like to lose a father. It is extremely painful. Will you tell about him? He must have been a great dad if you miss him so much.” Ricin understands that pain, knows the yearning to see his father’s features once more just to say goodbye.

Laying in front of Arc, Ricin keeps his paw on Arc’s, trying to give him a grounding presence with the simple, supportive gesture.

"Ricin Dauner"