
Scales and Arpeggios

Morendo ♡


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
02-05-2022, 05:48 PM
At some point amidst her singing, Aliana felt a warm little weight nestle in against her paws. Bright aquamarine eyes turned down to gaze lovingly at her little Morendo while he snuggled in against her forelegs, his adorable smile on his tiny face warming her heart to the point of bursting with love. Oh, how she loved her children so much! Lifting a dainty paw, Ali gently stroked over her son's head and down his back, giving him little bits of love while she sang with Bolero. It was a simple airy melody, nothing complex, but it filled the otherwise quiet suite with its delicate feminine tune. She adored spending time with all of her children naturally, but Morendo had always been the one to cling tightest to her. While the others split their affection between her and Chimera, and Quill remained mostly withdrawn to himself, her sweet little Rendo had very obviously become a bit of a momma's boy—not that she was complaining in the least! He could be her sweet little boy for the rest of time.

When her tune drifted off into its finale, Bolero chittered happily from his perch and Morendo commented on how pretty her singing was. Aliana beamed down at her lovely boy and slid down to her belly so she could scoop her son up in her paws and nuzzle his little face, then nuzzle her snout into his soft squishy puppy tummy and fluffy fur. "Thank you, my darling Morendo! You're Momma's sweetest little gentleman." Unable to keep the smile off of her face, Aliana brought one of her petite paws around to dance her toes over his belly and chest in light tickles, playing with and snuggling her sweetheart at the same time. "Momma spent a lot of time practicing her singing when she was only a bit older than you are." Granted, she left out the part where she had been taught her vocal lessons by a slave matron during her imprisonment, but her children didn't need to know that. She was perfectly content letting them keep their innocence to the world for as long as possible. They would have the life and love she never knew.

"Aliana & Morendo"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.